Renaissanced Bicycles Google Groups

I’ve taken over some moderation duties at the “Renaissanced Bicycle google group.” It’s a group to discuss and show off your renaissanced bike projects. On the top of the right >> column is a signup form if you’d like to subscribe. There are some great discussions already (deep Raleigh info), but to really make the group great, we need your help. Please join us and share your own Renaissanced Bike projects!

Here’s Renaissance Bicycles’ explanation of the term “Renaissanced Bicycle:Renaissance Bicycles' visual explanation of the termA “renaissanced” bike is an old bike updated with new components. It may be to get them back on the road, or to fit the needs of the rider better. In some cases the old stuff is just crap (steel rims), and the renewal makes a safer bike. In other cases you might have a fine older frame, and either you like modern components, or you have no desire to camp out on eBay for 6 months to get the ‘period correct’ parts.

A renaissanced bicycle is meant to be enjoyed.

Bryan at Renaissanced Bicycles started the group, and is now focusing on other things. He’s asked me and Montclair Bobby B to take up the torch. To keep the embers burning, so to speak.

To fan the flames a little, and extend the metaphor, here is one of Bobby’s Bikes, a cruiser-style Rockhopper with full Pimp Kit that he built up in 2010:

Blue Rocky, originally uploaded by montclairbobbyb.

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UI/UX Designer, bike nerd, artist.

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