schwalbe big apple wire bead break

Big Apple failure

I haven’t been excited about the Fisher Utopia since I herniated the rear tire. The new tire is another Schwalbe (years of none, suddenly I have two sets), plenty large, but much much smaller than the Gigantor tires. It’s kind of a let-down.

the new tire is so much smaller than the old one it makes me sad

For comparison, the old 60mm tire barely cleared that fender. Similar to the front.

close-hauled giant-sized fenders

The old Big Appel (apfel?) is now too big for a normal rim.

"why you no fit on rim, tire?!!"

As careful as I am, there is always a little window of air between the bead and the rim.

just don't fit

I’m pretty sure the wire bead has broken. It’s the only thing I could think of (after dismissing my first thoughts, “maybe I overtightened the rim when I trued it up and now it’s too small?” and “is it the temperature?”). Also, I think this is one of the ends.

schwalbe big apple wire bead break

It doesn’t seem like a good thing to find in a tire, at any rate. I think I will see if I can get it replaced under warranty. Sturmey Archer have been really good about replacements, and Crank Bros says to send my busted 6 year old pedal back, so who knows?

more wire bead busted end

It’s a low-mileage tire, and I’ve never abused it. I don’t think I ever used a tool to mount these tires, and they worked fine for several weeks. In light of spokes breaking in the garage, Schwalbe might just say “your wheel is cursed, our warranty doesn’t cover that.”

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UI/UX Designer, bike nerd, artist.

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