So… when I talked to the Crank Bros. person, and she said, “we can’t sell you the wings for the pedals, but it’s covered under warranty,” I actually thought, you know, the broken wing/spring/thing would be covered under warranty, where they would replace it for free. This is more like the Canon “replacement program,” or the $5 promotional bottle opener with a lifetime warranty to be replaced for $5.
eggbeater-1, originally uploaded by BikeTinker.
I had to mail in the part, and since the pedals were stuck in the cranks, I mailed the whole thing in, crank arms and all, mostly to see what would happen. Maybe they’d be forced to remove the pedals from the cranks, which would be worth something on its own.
Crank Brothers’ warranty is actually an offer to rebuild the whole pedal for $30, plus $9 shipping, along with the opportunity to upgrade to the new Eggbeaters or Candies for about the same price as just replacing them on eBay.
Warranty Email From Crank Bros:
Hello Rider,
I have your pedals here and it looks like they are in need of a Wing and installation of a rebuild kit and we call it the Spa1 and that consists of a rebuild kit and pedal cleaning and the cost is $30.00 for the service.
The pedal tech. will Machine Clean your pedals getting them spotless and then install a Rebuild Kit that includes seals, o-rings, bushings, bearings, nuts, end caps and re greasing.
Or we can offer you an upgrade to the NEW Egg Beaters with the redesigned springs and prices are below:
EB 2 $55.00 –
EB 3 $70.00 –
Or we can offer you an upgrade to the NEW Candys with the redesigned springs and prices are below:
Candy 2 $55.00 –
Candy 3 $70.00 –
For the month of March you can purchase a set of Tread Contact Sleeves for just $.99 (regularly $10.00) With every Candy or Egg Beater upgrade!! (one per upgrade and must be processed in the month of March)
S/H $9.00
To take advantage of our Upgrade Program or the rebuild service PLEASE CALL our Rider Service Center at 949-464-9916, Monday – Friday, 9am – 4:30pm Pacific Time and we will take care of you!
Thank You for riding crankbrothers!
Warranty and Service Dept. Crank Brothers 310 Broadway Laguna Beach, CA 92651 949.464.9916
*Any product left at Crank Brothers for over 30 days becomes property of Crank Brothers and could result in loss of item.
I talked to them, and I’m taking the $39 option of a full rebuild with new wings. The “wing-only” option costs $15 plus shipping anyway, and the rebuild kit is $14 by itself. Plus they already got at least one of the pedals out of the cranks, which I couldn’t do. $39 isn’t a rip-off, but it’s not what I would consider “replaced under warranty.”
What I would have prefered: getting the above email before shipping the pedals in, or an option to buy just the wings for $15, based on the photo I submitted. More like Schwalbe, even if there was a cost involved.
Compare and contrast:
I was feeling like a whiner about this post, but I think Lake did a great job of exceeding your expectations, and Crank Bros. did a poor job of even setting mine in the first place. I would’ve prefered them to be upfront and say, “mail ’em in, and we can service them for $30, or replace them for $55,” instead of saying, “yes they are covered under warranty.”
This just happened to me as well. Pedals were used only a handful of times and broke within ten minutes of getting to a three day weekend of riding. I was bombing down a hill and almost had a pretty tragic crash. Looks like they haven’t changed their less-than-apologetic email format much at all. Really unfortunate.
I used to ride candies..wanted adjustabletension so I switched to Shimano, I won’t buy from them again after hearing about this…