Light Mount Finished, originally uploaded by Uncle Bicycle.
Yes! Give that a gander, and look at your bike for suitable spots to use it.
I saw this and thought, “Hey, that gives me an idea! It’s stupid that all bike accessories are supposed to go on a handlebar, instead of mount to an eyelet. What if I made a thing that mounted to threaded eyelets, but let you mount handlebar accessories on them?”
And then my brain said, “That’s exactly what you’re looking at, nimrod.”
My internet friend Gino came up with something that does the same job. Paint this one black, jam a bar-end reflector into it and call it done.
this little light of mine, nice work !
I love the Gino. This might be of interest to you as well:
Ah… I see it all comes together when you shorten the lighting wire; then wheel, QR and light are all one package. Undo the QR, and the light stays with the wheel! Nice.
Isn’t the Alfine connector the easiest thing ever? No solder, no shrinkwrap, no fiddling little connectors together with fat fingers.
Oooo…I like the Problem Solvers one also. Cleaner than mine, and I have a couple of nice QRs that lack the nut.
That Problem Solvers mount is really cool. Velo Orange has something similar: http://problemsolversbike.com/products/quick_release_nut_light_mount/.
Made one of these this week. Under $4. Not as nice looking as the Gino light mount, but high on DIY points. The only hiccup was me not taking the light mount in to the hardware store with me to check PVC plug diameter sizing. Turns out they vary quite a bit, so a 1″ won’t fly, but a 3/4″ might, depending on manufacturing specs. The 1/2″ was too small.
Cool. DIY is king. I’ve spent a little time in the hardware aisles with weird bike parts in my hand…