I’ve been tinkering with bicycles since about 1986. I’ve never owned a work stand. It kind of boggles my mind. So, for my 19 anniversary, my wife got me a Park PC-10 workstand. She says when she’s rich, she’ll get me the Henry James universal frame jig that mounts on it…
I’m excited; maybe I’ll inaugurate it by cleaning all my bikes!
Congratulations on the anniversary and the stand. Celebrating our 20th this summer and I just bought a stand (albeit a used one). Coincidence? I think not!
That’s so cool! I think 19 is the “Park Tool” anniversary.
Mind boggling is right. You of all people should have a great appreciation for that device.
I think I always figured I could, you know, hack something to do the job! I’ve hung my bike from a shelf by the seat, flipped it upside-down, lots of leaning it against a railing…
Nice! A pretty great gift. Congrats on the anniversary!
I think that the thing I’d miss the most from working at a shop, more than the discounts or ready access to piles of discarded parts, is a good workstand. It just makes everything that much more straightforward.
Ah, the pile of discarded parts… I snagged a Bendix cog the last time the shop let me root through their recycling bucket.
“You know that’s for a really old hub, right?”
“Yep, I’ve got two hubs this’ll fit.”