Big Apple failure

I haven’t been excited about the Fisher Utopia since I herniated the rear tire. The new tire is another Schwalbe (years of none, suddenly I have two sets), plenty large, but much much smaller than the Gigantor tires. It’s kind of a let-down.

the new tire is so much smaller than the old one it makes me sad

For comparison, the old 60mm tire barely cleared that fender. Similar to the front.

close-hauled giant-sized fenders

The old Big Appel (apfel?) is now too big for a normal rim.

"why you no fit on rim, tire?!!"

As careful as I am, there is always a little window of air between the bead and the rim.

just don't fit

I’m pretty sure the wire bead has broken. It’s the only thing I could think of (after dismissing my first thoughts, “maybe I overtightened the rim when I trued it up and now it’s too small?” and “is it the temperature?”). Also, I think this is one of the ends.

schwalbe big apple wire bead break

It doesn’t seem like a good thing to find in a tire, at any rate. I think I will see if I can get it replaced under warranty. Sturmey Archer have been really good about replacements, and Crank Bros says to send my busted 6 year old pedal back, so who knows?

more wire bead busted end

It’s a low-mileage tire, and I’ve never abused it. I don’t think I ever used a tool to mount these tires, and they worked fine for several weeks. In light of spokes breaking in the garage, Schwalbe might just say “your wheel is cursed, our warranty doesn’t cover that.”

Gravel Road test ride

gravel roadster on old bethel road

I took the dog out on a few miles of gravel road as a test of the gravel roadster setup. Getting this bike on the road has had some silly setbacks, including two broken rear spokes at the beginning of two separate rides. There are other silver spokes mixed in with the black, so I bought three spokes when the last one broke. That should ensure that no more break!

black dog with her tongue out, funky bike with pink fenders

We had a great run, up some brief hills, and along orchards and blueberry farms, looking out over the valley to the West. The sun only cracked through the overcast a few times, but cold gray is weather I like. We rode out a couple miles, and I goofed around taking pictures of the bike. We turned around to head back, since I didn’t want to stay out too late, and you never know what might happen.

happy dog!Such as the rear wheel making a weird noise and sliding around on a descent! When I stopped, I saw that the tire had unseated, and the tube, still inflated, had doubled in size, looped out like a giant intestine, and herniated itself. A loop was bound up in the stays, and two feet of it jabbed out in the air. The tire had rolled off the rim somehow, and wouldn’t go back on.

inner tube unleashedI can put it on, but it just falls off. No matter how I try to mount it, I can see an air gap between the rim and the tire. I think the wire bead may have broken. I shlepped the bike back about a mile; sometimes carrying it, sometimes rolling it, but it didn’t roll that well.

chick on old bethel road

I had a good laugh at my own expense, and I was out having an adventure in the countryside, so it was fine.The dog was a little non-plussed, though.

nice spot for next year

I did find a half-mile stretch of unharvested rose hips. They’re already withered, but they might be a possible gleaning site next year.