There are a couple of reasons for the new ads you may have bleeped over. I wanted to see how Google Ads work, since it’s been a few years since I tried them out (after 4 years, I have $27.50 in credit, and Google doesn’t pay until you hit $100). The people who read my blogs are usually too savvy to click the links. Most of that $27.50 came from a blog about the town I live in, that I stopped updating in 2008. THOSE people click links!
The ads may not stay, but if I make any money off them, I want to hire someone to turn the Pressure Calculator into a real app. It’s a trifle tiring to check the Google Doc daily; I often have to repair the functions and re-type labels that people save over. Mostly it would be nice to design the UI for it, and make something attractive and useful.